New Property
We need to raise $4.75M immediately. Help us accelerate a finer future today.
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New Property Fundraiser

Our mission is to foster a finer future.
Today, you can help accelerate that future.
Help us immediately raise $4.75M for the down payment to secure this new property to accelerate training the next generation of imams, public servants, teachers, researchers, and chaplains in the USA.

Fundraiser Progress

Amount Raised: $0 Amount Left: $4,750,000 Fundraiser Goal: $4.75M
To reach $2.65M in a faster and simpler way, we need 2,650 individuals to donate $1,000 each or multiple quantities of $1,000. You can also donate any amount of your choosing below as well.
2,650 Donors Goal Tracker*
2,540 donors left for $1,000
*Quantities updated daily. 110 donors as of 8:00am (PDT) July 20, 2024.
Select the quantities of $1,000 you'd like to donate or enter your own custom donation amount below.
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Total Donation: $0

About the Campaign

We're excited to announce an extraordinary opportunity to expand our services! By the grace of Allah, we’re in the process of finalizing the purchase and sale agreement on a new property — a 2-story, 44,187 sq. ft. commercial office building that will serve as the IOK CHESS headquarters.

To make this a reality, we need your help — the purchase price of this new property is $9.3 million. We must immediately raise $4.75 million for the down payment, of which we already have $2.1 million alhamdulilah. The rest of the purchase amount, $4.55 million, can be paid through Qardh al-Hasan and/or an Islamic loan to be repaid over 5-10 years, inshaAllah.

Giving Options

Help us reach the goal faster by donating $1,000
Make a difference. Donate an amount of your choosing.
Donate Now
Donate stocks. Fill out this PDF and select "Capital Fund"
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Email the IOK Board about Qard al-Hassan loans.
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New Property Features

44,187 sq ft
Near Cal Poly Pomona
New Seminary Campus
Chaplaincy Offices
Counseling Services
and more!
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